sunnuntai 27. huhtikuuta 2014


At first I have to say " I'm sorry, I don't have any photos". My phone is broken and all my pictures are there, in my phone. :(

Today I woke up at 9:00 am ant then I ate peanut butter bread for breakfast. :) These breads are so delicious! After breakfast I went running for an hour.

Then I baked a berry cake. At 2:00 pm we got friends visiting and we had a good time. I heard so much English, because they didn't talk Finnish.

In the evening we packed some clothes, on Monday we are going to California. I am very eager to leave there! :) <3

Now I have to go bed, good night or good morning! ;)

torstai 24. huhtikuuta 2014

The parade

Now we have been here four days and I can say that I like this place very much! Here is a very different way to live but I like it. We have played tennis and we have been at the playgroud. We have visited at the starmarket and tarket. These shops sell food. We have also whatced Boston bruins games.
On monday were we at the parade. It was very cool accident. There were lot of different cars, horses and bands. There are some pictures of the parade.

keskiviikko 23. huhtikuuta 2014

A flight

Our flight left at 3:30pm on sunday. At first flow we to Reykjavik and then we flow to boston.

We had 12 suitcases which were full of things; clothes, shoes, billows and covers.
At the Boston airport had we some problems. We were told that kids can't go to school if they haven't visas and liljan, bettiina and niklas haven' t visas, because in Finland were we told that they don't need them, because we are there less than three months. 
We have to go to Montreal that kids get their visas.

Someday I will write  about the parades to you.

maanantai 21. huhtikuuta 2014


Nyt ehdin vihdoin tännekin kirjoittelemaan, on ollut niin paljon lähtöhässäkkää ja kouluhommia etten ole ehtinyt aloittaa kirjoittamista.:( Kirjoitan siis tän englannniksi, koska tämä on korvaus loppuvuoden englannin tunneista.

Voisin vähän valaista teitä tästä matkasta. Elikkäs tulin tänne Bostoniin kolmeksi kuukaudeksi serkkujen mukaan kun heidän äiti tuli tänne töihin. Minä toimin au pairina täällä, eli hoidan perus kotihommia.:)

Nyt alan nukkumaan, kello alkaa olemaan jo niin paljon ja aikaerokin vielä väsyttää.